Friday, June 8, 2018

Hi readers! "Long time no see" is probably the most consistent theme I've been able to stick with. Let's start off with some background info. It's been several months since I last touched the blogger login page, and there's a great recipe to explain the reasoning behind this.

For simplicity (TLDR)- LIFE! Life threw me off a ten story building with just enough coverage to break the fall... after breaking almost every bone in my body upon crashing into the ground (metophorically). I've been dealing with classic young adult things. Paying rent, working extremely hard to maintain affording my own studio apartment in Oakland (AKA financial suicide at this point with the techies), finding the LOML and moving to a completely new place with her (still in the Bay), quiting jobs and finding new ones, and eventually having a complete psychotic break from the stress of commuting 4 hours daily, to now landing me here. Don't harbor concern for my mental health, its being taken care of and is finally being reeled in with professional help. My sanity is here to stay and all I have left to do is figure out how to navigate adulthood without pushing my psychosis too far. Simple enough, yeah? 

With sarcasm aside, life has been rough with a capital "R". I'm incredibly privileged and grateful to be surrounded by people who care so deeply about my well being to the point of taking time off the job, as well as have rent manageable enough that my family can support me during this break from working. Another word to sum up my recent experiences would be "different". It's been surprisingly difficult to accept that my mental health is finally at its breaking point, and that I can't simply put aside my anxiety and depression to get through a shift (for it will trigger my psychosis to completely disable me from existing and functioning in society). All I want is to go back to work and be able to joke about the Monday's, but still make it to Tuesday. Nonetheless, there is no point in wallowing on and on about how hard it is to have my rent paid without earning it myself. 

I'm trying my best to be self aware and contribute to my financial independence in small doses instead of big adult sized chunks. I've been working on some new designs to open up for sale on etsy by the end of July, 2018,  looking into those weird "Uber" jobs that seem to be endless in the Bay nowadays, and most importantly trying to establish my social media presence again to hopefully begin taking steps towards my dream career. 
So what's to come with Sabrina Productions? What is this weird reinvention of myself? Well, I've asked myself the 5 why's and concluded that Sabrina Productions is everything I am. The polished and refined outfit posts, the recipes, the photography, and the mental breakdowns. I find that through sharing pieces of myself online, I connect with people that I never would have had the opportunity to if I never posted in the first place. I intend to post at minimum 5 days a week to begin, and from there develop into daily posts (Affirmations of something right?). 
I hope you all have something, even miniscule, to look forward to seeing from me. I'm really out here trying to make a creative impact on people like me, the ones who aren't picturesque and problem free.  I think there's so much more to be said in this digital world, and I'm ready to shout it out, even from the depths of my depression naps. 

Thanks for tuning in, and I hope you enjoyed the sporadic photos I shared throughout this blog post that I've collected over the last little while. <3

instagram// @sabrinaproductions

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