WASIL Announcement!

Friday, May 1, 2015

As you can clearly tell by this promotional banner... WASIL has a launch date! I decided on July 17th, so keep your eyes peeled for www.wasilclothing.com ! 

I've been meaning to say something for a while, but I feared that  it ultimately represented me as not consistent and that I give up easily, so here are my thoughts on my lack of posting on Sabrinapugs.

I honest to God feel terrible for not posting on my blog frequently anymore. I never realized how much work would go into the brand, and now that I am neck deep in projects for WASIL, I find it hard to even breathe. 

Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely in love with this project. Every second I spend working on WASIL brings me utter and complete joy. Unfortunately, it takes away from my social media platforms. I've been struggling with the balance between posting on my blog, YouTube channel, and instagram recently just because, do  I want to invest my time into making a social presence? Or do I make my presence in this world through my artwork (AKA clothing)? Of course I want to do both, but I'm finding it difficult. 

I believe in society today the way to make an impact on the upcoming generations is completely centered around the internet. The amount of influence social media has on us is terrifying, but it can also prove to be very useful. And to not be making my own contribution to the fashion industry online through blogging or instagram makes me slightly depressed. I thoroughly enjoy knowing that people take time to read my blog entries, and give a shit about my voice, but I've been so connected- yet disconnected at the same time that I'm kind of in social media purgatory. I see my views going down on a daily basis and I genuinely feel like a failure. I invested so much time into building up a name for myself, and I don't want that time to go to waste. But the thing is I'm not just sitting around all day watching TV and eating, I'm actually so much more productive this past month than I have been in years. So, yes the implication that I am MIA from Sabrinapugs because I am slacking off makes total sense, but I am exhausted all the time now because I am constantly working. Like I said before, I love my brand and I enjoy working on it, so I guess this lingering feeling of "failure" is false. 

The point of this rant/ feeling spill is to let you know that a day doesn't go by where I don't think about Sabrinapugs, and I intend to be on the blogging platform for as long as I can. I basically condensed 6 months of production for a clothing brand into 2 months, so things are obviously way more hectic now than ever, but  I can assure you I will be back once WASIL has been released. I will be stable and so will Sabrinapugs.

If you read this far into the post, then thank you for genuinely caring. I appreciate people like you more than words could describe. Until next time.


  1. I've been following your blog for a while and CAN'T WAIT to see what designs you're gonna create. Your style is unique and i'm sure it'll be just gorgeous :)


    1. Thank you so much! You are such a sweet heart. I can't wait for you to see it as well, thanks for sticking around during these slow periods of blogging. I really appreciate it!
