You're Not The Real You

Saturday, April 18, 2015

UNIF Relics Hat
Forever 21 Necklaces
Thrifted Shirt
Asks Bag
American Eagle Denim
Zooshoo Booties

I have been binge watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmitt, and if you haven't watched it... Go right now and watch! It stars the actress "Erin" from the show "The Office" and its such a unique plot a long with the casting. Simply uplifting and brilliant! It's on Netflix if you want to check it out!

I am a culprit of outfit repeated, unfortunately. I wore this yesterday as well as today to just run errands, but I really liked the... everyone say it with me... MONOCHROME! I'm in love with these booties and I've been trying to find any excuse to slip into them at the start of my day. After breaking them in they became so comfortable, and that will most certainly come in handy when I start attending school in the city fall semester. 

If you want an update with my life, keep reading!

I've been working really hard on WASIL these past few days which is why I'm not going to interesting locations to shoot, as well as trying to keep content updated on my YouTube channel. I really take pride in my videos that I put out, so between filming and editing, I spend about 20 hours a week solely on YouTube. I feel terrible about not being consistent on this site because I really had some momentum going for a while there, and obviously when posts lack, views lack. I've also been interviewing at a couple of places in hopes of obtaining a job at a retail clothing store, so that has been keeping my busy. For such a long time I was simply getting up at noon every day, getting ready, taking outfit pictures, and then binge watching YouTube videos. And though my blog gained momentum, I really felt like something was missing. I knew I was going back to school for summer semester but the months between now and then felt so empty I couldn't take it anymore. I think getting a job with a company I truly am passionate about will allow me to see myself working up the corporate ladder to eventually be a merchandiser for that company, and that makes me feel so much happier about my future. Also, as you know, I began WASIL, for real this time. Though blogging is a creative outlet, making my own clothing is an even better outlet (in my opinion). Just shopping for fabric, drawing designs, and really investigating trends has set off a fire in my mind. I stay up late at night filled with happiness because I have so many ideas for WASIL. I have invested not only money, but also so much love and time into this brand. So far I have jeans, crop tops, t shirt dresses, button ups, shawls, crystal necklaces, and felt hats in production, and this is only the beginning.  I feel like anyone can make a product and sell it for profit, but honestly creating WASIL is more about creating a voice for myself in this huge world. I could make $0 in the end of this all, but if people genuinely care about what I have to say through my designs, then I am successful in my mind. I struggle greatly with importance in myself, and I think bringing my ideas to life, along with letting other people physically wear the ideas... Wow. It's just incredible.

Sorry for the deep heart to heart. I just have been in such a good mood and have found genuine happiness in this project that I created for myself... And I just can't wait to show you all.

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