Weight Loss Update: 21 Pounds

Sunday, March 15, 2015

It's time to talk about weight again.

Though it seems like time is moving fast, I've been kind of stuck at 21 pounds (lost). I am still very proud of the progress I have made, and I feel more confident entirely. 

I've only lost technically 3 more pounds since my last update, however I did start to gain back some of what I lost, and I had gained 5 pounds from the last update. I had to reset my eating habits (once again) and get back on track, so here I am at 21 pounds.

Today was a huge landmark. I put on the houndstooth pants displayed in the picture above, and I couldn't believe it. A size 16 pair of trousers fit. Not only did they fit, they were super loose! So apparently I am now a size 14 in pants (US sizes of course)! I was so unbelievable happy and confident walking around my house in these pants. 

I, Sabrina Edelen, can do it! And so can you. If you feel like you need to change your eating habits, for the right reason, you can. 

Now I know some of you may be thinking, "how can you be body positive if you hate your body?" 

I don't hate my body. I love my body. As hard as that may be to believe, I really do. I love my legs, I love my stomach, I love it, because this is who I am. The fat pockets on my stomach or the double chin don't shape my personality, and that is something you all need to know and recognize about yourself. You should love your body because it is yours and it is the only one you get.

What I hate.

I hate the feeling of walking up a flight of stairs and having to stand outside the classroom to catch my breath before entering so I don't sound winded. I hate not being able to go for a jog with my Dad on a whim, and what I hate the most... HEARTBURN! I know, thin people can totally experience heartburn, I even did when I weighed 130 lbs. But the way I ate this past year was horrendous. McDonalds, Taco Bell, or Jack in the Box every. Single. Day. After school, for dinner, before school, before a concert, before or after literally any occasion I felt this burning desire to get a burger and fries. That is what caused my heartburn. It was so bad at night! I would writhe in pain and have to chug gallons of water and take tons of Tums to soothe my throat. It was horrible! Ever since I stopped fast food, and replaced it with veggies and non processed food, within a day the heart burn disappeared, and in a month I shed 10 pounds. 

My weight loss wasn't really intentional to be honest. I just was tired of feeling so stuffed and sick after eating, and hours after, that I just revamped my eating habits. 

My top tips for changing eating habits are replace water with soda, replace fast food with wholesome meals (such as brown rice with a piece of chicken and green beans), and snacking on fruit. At first these changes are going to be so difficult. You'll be awake at night just thinking about the food, but I promise after pushing through that first week or so, fruit will start tasting amazing, and the vegetables will make you feel alive! 

I am not saying that you need to lose weight because you're gross or not good enough, you are totally good enough even if you eat McDonalds and chicken nuggets. These are just my tips onto feeling better on the inside. But if you want to eat McDonalds, go ahead! It's your body and if it makes you feel good, do as you please.

So in conclusion, I'm happy. Happy because I am feeling good inside and out!


  1. You look great! I need to stay motivated as well. It's a struggle.

    1. Thank you! It is a struggle, but eating well is so much more rewarding!
